Media articles
Tax Evasion
Une société écran ? Voyez avec les îles Vierges britanniques. Alternatives Economiques, 2024.
Taxer les superprofits de la guerre en Ukraine. Une proposition. Le Grand Continent, 2023 (co-author).
New Research “A Modern Excess Profit Tax”. Eteron, 2023.
A modern way to tax windfall profits from the war in Ukraine. VoxEU, 2022 (co-author).
Idea: tax energy companies’ market cap instead of profits?. Financial Times, 2022.
Por un impuesto a la capitalización bursátil de las energéticas. El País, 2022 (co-author).
Übergewinne: 'Die Gewinne können leicht manipuliert werden. Profil, 2022.
A modern way to tax windfall profits from the war in Ukraine. Brave New Europe, 2022.
Taxing rising stock market capitalisation of energy companies. Agence Europe, 2022.
Minimum wage and Inequality
Minimum wage's significant role in reducing wage inequality in Portugal. Portuguese Economy Research Report, 2024 (author).
Subida do salário mínimo impulsionou ganhos para 54% dos trabalhadores. Público, 2024.
Aumentos do salário mínimo explicam 38% da subida do salário médio. Sábado, 2022 (print interview).
O RSI não é uma esmola, é um elevador social (ou devia ser). Jornal Económico, 2021 (author).
Uma análise da desigualdade e da pobreza em Portugal. Jornal Económico, 2020 (author).
Nova Economics Club
Latin America’s political tides. NEC Magazine (23), 2020 (author).
African countries should cooperate more. NEC Magazine (24), 2020 (author).
Tax evasion and the impacts it has on society. NEC Magazine (25), 2020 (author).